Testosterone Cyprionate 250mg/mlx 1vials
  Posting Date : 2024-06-02 15:28:58

Detailed Product Description

Brand name: Depo-Testosterone.
Generic name: Testosterone Cypionate.
Active ingredient: Testosterone.

TESTOSTERONE (tes TOS ter one) is the main man hormone. It supports regular male growth such as strength growth, facial hair, and deep voice.

Testosterone Cypionate Indications:
Curing sighns of small testosterone in males when the organism doesn’t make any testosterone or not enough testosterone (hypogonadism). It can also be used for extra illness as indicated by your doctor.
It is used in men to heal low testosterone points.
Testosterone Cypionate is a man sex hormone. Testosterone Cypionate works by replacing or complementing the testosterone that is naturally produced in the corpse.

Testosterone Cypionate Dosage:
Testosterone Cypionate is very identical to tesosterone enanthate. Although half-lives and energetic lifetime periods are different, they are the same. Injections are generally less frequent for cypionate. Testosterone is the king of all masspower builders and for this reason is also fairly cost effective. Testosterone Cypionate functions well either by itself or stacked to form a great bulking cycle. It has a high risk of adverse reactions owing to its exchange to DHT also has the potential to form estrogen, provoking gynecomastia. These properties as well cause it to have such exceptional mass building tendencies.

Contact Information
Contact:miller zheng